October 30, 2020

No-Fluff Bullet Journaling with Mark Figueiredo




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Artist Interviews

Mark Figueiredo of the Men Who Bullet is going to show us his “No Fluff” approach to designing a bullet journal layout.

Prefer to watch? Click below and learn a refreshing way to bullet, that’s not just for men, I promise!

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What bullet journaling is, and why it’s a useful tool AND a fun creative outlet
  • How to optimize the layout of a page
  • Mark (and Becca’s) new favourite pen!

Key takeaways from this lesson:

  1. Bullet journaling helps with productivity but is also great for personal development. Ryder Caroll invented bullet journaling as an analog system to tackle to-do’s creatively.
  2. If you’re just getting started, you can use whatever you already have.
  3. An Index is the brain of your bullet journal that you can always reference ANYTHING inside.
  4. Always set up your future log so you have notes for things not in the immediate future
  5. Your monthly and weekly logs help you see all of your upcoming events at a glance

Tools used in this video:

Resources we mentioned:

Like what you see? Don’t forget to comment on the video and let me know!

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  1. Pearl says:

    I loved this. I loved that it kind of removed the overwhelm with bullet journalling – use what you have, doesn’t need to be fancy, don’t need to add a million fancy pages – only what you actually need. Loved it!

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