January 28, 2020

How to Draw a Dahlia: Step-by-Step Tutorial




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Art Tutorials

Today, I’m going to show you how to draw a super simple dahlia, step-by-step.

The key is to draw the center part first, and work your way out and around! What we’re doing essentially, is drawing the middle of the flower and making it look like it’s closing in a little bud in the middle.

During the tutorial, you’ll learn:

✔️How to draw the center of the flower (the hardest part, I swear!)
✔️Why the only shape you really need to know how to draw for this flower is a rounded triangle
✔️Where to point your detail lines to add the most dimension (and when to break the rule)

First Things First…

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Tools Mentioned In This Video:

Download the FREE dahlia worksheet here!

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  1. Michelle schumer says:

    I love all these flower tutorials! Can you do some small tiny flowers that can be used as a border??

  2. rosenda says:

    I love the style of it.
    just continue to make more flowers.
    God bless.

  3. Shelly says:

    Thanks so much for this one Becca. I say day-lee-ah but I did belong to a horticultural society (fancy name for a garden club!) and those with a British accent said dah-lee-ah while the Canadian English speakers said it day-lee-ah.

  4. Eileen says:

    dahl (like ahhhhhh) ya. or doll ya.

    i enjoy your videos ;)!

  5. Elisabeth Jarrett says:

    Love these tutorials. I call these ones “daylias” (day-lia)

  6. Loved the Dahlia step by steps . Also thought was great- the work sheet was great .

  7. Valeria says:

    Thank you for this worksheet! Also, the video was very very helpful! I find that adding any kind of florals to the creations gives it a fun, dynamic look! Thanks a lot.

  8. Kelina says:

    Hi Becca!
    I pronounce Dahlia as DAALIAA (daa-liya) because Princess jasmine’s (from Aladdin movie 2019) hand maid’s name is also Dahlia.

  9. Mila says:

    Hi! I absolutely love your drawing! I was thinking of starting up a bussiness making friendship bracelets and i thought i’d name it something like Dahlia bracelets. Your drawing worksheet lineart would be ideal to use for my logo so I was wondering if you’d allow it..

  10. Malle-Outje says:

    This is the first time I ever tried anything like this and I really liked it. It also turned out pretty good. Thank you so much for this tutorial. It was very helpfull! I say Daaahlia as in ahhh.

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